Water Treatment System
Introduce :
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Water Treatment System The process of water treatment system for drinking water treatment plant is decided by raw water quality and purpose water to be used. Basically,there are three different stages for water treatment, which are pre-treatment, deep treatment, and terminal treatment.
Pre-treatment: multi-media filter, carbon filter, softener, filter to remove iron and manganese, filter to remove fluorine, ultra filter, micro filter etc
Deep treatment: applying membrane or ion exchanging to do treatment.
Terminal treatment: ozone, UV, polisher, EDI or CDI etc. Applicatio Beverage and food industrial water, drinking purified water, mineral water, spring water, bear, wine, medical water etc. Salt water and sea water desalting Rinsing water for electronic parts, integrated circuit, silicon wafer, screen etc. Electrical/chemical boiler water making up, boilers water making up for energy plant or mine Daily chemical water, medical water and other sterile water Waste water and normal water recycle-recycle the useful matters in industrial water Direct drinking water Other water related treatment system